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  • Posted by : Unknown April 22, 2017


    The education curriculum in Indonesia has undergone several changes. These changes are due to various reasons, among them are the demands of the times and the government's policy to update and modify the curriculum of education regularly in a certain period.

    Beginning in 2013 lesson precisely July 2013, the Government has enacted the Curriculum 2013. Curriculum Development 2013 is a follow-up step Development of Competency Based Curriculum that has been pioneered in 2004 and KTSP 2006 which includes the competence of attitudes, knowledge and skills in an integrated manner. Curriculum development needs to be done because of various challenges faced, both internal challenges and external challenges. The 2013 curriculum change elements include the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL), Content Standards (SI), Process Standards, and Assessment Standards.

    The 2013 curriculum introduces a scientific approach as a compulsory approach that teachers must implement in a classroom learning process for all subjects. This raises the question of the possibility of applying a scientific approach to teaching languages, especially English, since English is categorized as a social science rather than a subject of science or science, whereas the word "scientific" is identical to the subject of science or exact science. Another problem that arises in relation to this scientific approach is the fact that the 2013 curriculum still applies a text-based approach. This raises questions related to how to apply two approaches simultaneously in a learning process.

    This paper will discuss this issue, which is how the application of scientific approach and text-based approach to teaching English in secondary education in accordance with the demands of the 2013 curriculum.


    The learning process can be matched by a scientific process, therefore the Curriculum 2013 mandates the essence of scientific approach in learning. Scientific approaches include inquiry learning with breathing constructivism. Learning targets with a scientific approach include the development of a range of attitudes, knowledge, and skills elaborated for each educational unit. The three domains of competence have different paths of psychological (process) acquisition. Attitude is gained through activity: receiving, running, appreciating, living, and practicing. Knowledge gained through activity: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Meanwhile, skills are acquired through activities: observing, asking, reasoning, tasting, and creating (Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013).

    Scientific approach is believed to be a golden tool for the development and development of students' attitudes, skills, and knowledge. In approaches or work processes that meet scientific criteria, scientists put forward inductive reasoning rather than deductive reasoning.

    Deductive reasoning sees a common phenomenon and then draws a specific conclusion. In contrast, inductive reasoning sees a specific phenomenon or situation to then draw an overall conclusion. Indeed, inductive reasoning places specific evidence into the broader relation of ideas. Scientific methods generally place unique phenomena with specific and detailed studies to then formulate general conclusions. The scientific method refers to investigative techniques on some or more phenomena or symptoms, acquires new knowledge, or corrects and incorporates prior knowledge.

    To be scientific, the method of inquiry must be based on the evidence of observable, empirical, and measurable objects with specific principles of reasoning. Scientific methods generally contain a series of data collection activities through observation or experimentation, processing information or data, analyzing, then formulating, and testing hypotheses

    Below is a dialogue between teachers and students about a scientific approach :

    Teacher:    ok , our topic today is electrolysis , now i will explain about it before we go more details 
                    Ionic substances contain charged particles called ions. For example, lead bromide contains positively charged lead ions and negatively charged bromide ions.
                     Electrolysis is the process by which ionic substances are decomposed (broken down) into simpler substances when an electric current is passed through them.

                     For electrolysis to work, the ions must be free to move. Ions are free to move when an ionic substance is dissolved in water or when melted. For example, if electricity is passed through molten lead bromide, the lead bromide is broken down to form lead and bromine.
                       ok , now anyone to ask ?
    Student:    Miss (raise his hand) I still do not quite understand.
    Teacher:     Good, you already brave to raise your hand, now. which the part you not undestand ?
    Student:    I still find it difficult to understand the reactions that occur in Anode and Cathode when using a not-inert electrode?
    Teacher:     Okay, so here we go. The electrolysis cell is the decomposition of an electrode by the presence of an electric current. When an electrolyte is electrolyzed, the electron breaks down into cation and anions. The use of electrodes is itself seen from what substances will be electrolyzed.
    Student:    I understand Mrs, so the electrolysis depends on the substance to be dissolved?
    Teacher:     Great! if you already understand. The inert electrode is comprised of three, they are Pt, C, Au which cannot oxidize. So when it is electrolyzed using this electrode, the oxidizing agent is H20, provided that the reacting agent is reacted is the residual oxy acid.
    Student:    But Mrs, why only H20? then what about electrolysis of  MgCl2 solution???
    Teacher:     Hmmm, look like this. So why do we use H20, because that oxidized residue of oxyic acid for example SO42-, NO3-etc. And when the oxidized in anode is a single anion, for example, Cl-, F-, Br- then it will undergo oxidation of the anion itself.
    Student:   What the meaning of the free ion Mrs?
    Teacher:    So free ion is an ion that can give or receive electron so that electron can flow through solution. now make conclusion about electrolysis , like the definition with yourself

    Student:  hmm , i think Electrolysis refers to the decomposition of a substance by an electric current. 
    Teacher: thats simple conlusion , and then now you understand about electrolysis ?
    Student:    Thank you Mr. Well, now I understand.


    source :

    { 10 komentar... read them below or Comment }

    1. hi eko...
      i want to ask you about your post
      can you explain the electrolysis that occurs in the accu when charging ? is there difference that occurs when the accu is not used ? please tell me

      1. hello rini , thanks for your question
        the negative electrode is lead metal (Pb) and its positive electrode is lead coated oxide (PbO2), and both electrodes are dipped in sulfuric acid electrolyte (H2SO4) solution. The electrode reaction is as follows:

        Anode Pb (-): Pb + SO42- → PbSO4 + 2e-
        Cathode PbO2 (+): PbO2 + SO42- + 4H + + 2e- → PbSO4 + 2H2O

        Total Reaction: Pb + PbO2 + 4H + + 2SO42- → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O

        Condition When the battery is used:

        When the electric battery, Anode Pb and PbO2 cathode with SO42 - produce PbSO4. The resulting PbSO4 may include the surface of the anode and cathode plate. If it is coated then the anode and cathode plate is not working. Aki stop selling electricity.

        When the battery generates electricity required H + ions and SO42 ions are actively active. As a result the number of H + ions and SO42 ions in the solution decreases and the electrolyte solution becomes dilute, the electric current generated and the battery potential become more active.

        Since the electrochemical reaction of the battery is an equilibrium reaction (reversible) then by providing an external electric current (mencas) the 2 electrodes (coated anodes and cathodes) may return as before. Similarly, the ion will be formed again so the concentration of electrolyte solution back as before.

        Anode PbO2 (-): PbSO4 + 2H2O → PbO2 + 4H + + SO42- + 2e-
        Cathode Pb (+): PbSO4 + 2e- → Pb + SO42-

        Total Reaction: 2PbSO4 + 2H2O → Pb + PbO2 + 4H + + 2SO42-

        The process of production and casting of the battery is a side reaction of air electrolysis and of course there is air evaporating so important to increase the distilled air into lead batteries. Recently a new type of electrode made of lead and calcium alloy, which can eliminate the developed air electrolysis. The modern battery with this type of electrode is a closed system and is called a closed storage battery that does not require air.

    2. i want a ask you How we can know which cathode and anode ?

      1. from the experiment of electrolysis , in volta we use kpan ( chatode positive and anode is negative ) and in electrolysis we use knap ( chatode negative and anode is positive )

    3. from your dialogue, can you give mark the word include part of scientific approach ?

    4. " i think Electrolysis refers to the decomposition of a substance by an electric current. "

      in this statement student already make a conclusion about the topic

    5. How students can like about things related to science?

      1. the teacher must be explain all about science with interesting way
        for the example if the teacher is biology teacher he or she explain to the student how amazing the process of system in our body etc
        if the teacher is chemistry teacher make an experiment in the class the function is students will be not get bored and want to know more about chemistry

    6. Why in the learning of teachers and educators should have an approach to their students, whether this is a harmony to the learning process, please explain?

      1. The scientific method offers a standardized way for psychologists to test hypotheses, build on theories, and gain knowledge about the mind.

        The scientific method was first outlined by Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) to provide logical, rational problem solving across many scientific fields.
        The basic steps of the scientific method are: 1) make an observation that describes a problem, 2) create a hypothesis, 3) test the hypothesis, and 4) draw conclusions and refine the hypothesis.
        The major precepts of the scientific method employed by all scientific disciplines are verifiability, predictability, falsifiability, and fairness.
        The application of the scientific theory to psychology took the discipline from a form of philosophy to a form of science.
        Critical thinking is a key component of the scientific method. Without it, you cannot use logic to come to conclusions.


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